
rachael stephen ✦

🏠 stress & magick: the moving vlog

Published 6 months ago • 1 min read

sun 19 nov

ever wondered what happens to a house spirit when you move? a few years back i decided that in my personal cosmology, it made the most sense to have a continuous relationship with one key house spirit which would move with me, shrugging off the structure of the old house like a coat, and slipping into the new one like fresh pajamas.

moving is often a flurry of emotions (excitement, nostalgia, even grief) struggling to be processed under an avalanche of logistics. there’s so much to DO, it can be hard to find the time and space to FEEL.

my little ritual for moving the house spirit from the old flat to the new one, transferring my sense of HOME from one building to another, ended up being a surprisingly good container for the emotional side of moving. it gave me a clear way to say goodbye to the old place, and to start calling the new one home - a nice, clean pencil-stroke of closure.

so, you’ll see that ritual as well as the usual hustle of moving in this new vlog 🏠 🌞

stress & magic ✧ an adhd witch moves house

✦ the work


i’m now offering one-to-one chat sessions 🥳

these are great if you’d like space to discuss something creative or witchy with a friendly face, or want some accountability and help with projects or routines.

check out the chat sessions here.

FINALLY, i’m getting to share the vlog (above) where i designed the Dice-Game packing system! if you want to see the full write-up of the system, it’s here in the Patron Periodical.

❃ the domum dice game i used to move house

once a month i add an article or resource to this library exclusive to my patrons. if you’re not already a patron and want in, you can join for a few dollars a month.

✦ the almanac

  • LATE AUTUMN / N. hemisphere
    • 🍁 leaves on their last legs, sort your cosy clothes, start gift-prep for winter holidays
    • 🧅 last harvest, preserve & store for winter, reflect on this year’s growing season
    • 🌥 shorter, darker days, make catching the light & getting vit D a priority
  • 📅 NOV FESTIVALS / UK bonfire night, N7 day, american thanksgiving, nanowrimo
  • 🌖 WAXING MOON / gathering, growing, brightening

okay, that's all for now.

take care,

rachael stephen ✦

hello, cinnamon bun ✦ i’m rachael, your friendly neighbourhood Creative Witch. there’s nothing i love more than venturing into The Woods on a creative mission, and coming back to my village (that’s you!) to share the stories, systems and spells i’ve picked up along the way.

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