
rachael stephen ✦

🍎 Q&A & my first aesthetic bujo spread in years??

Published 9 months ago • 2 min read

fri 1 sep

hello! just dropping in for a little extra letter today to let you know about the Q&A livestream i’m doing on sunday, among other things :)

sooooo it’s been a frustratingly slow week over here because i had a particularly bumpy ride transitioning from my last cycle into this new one - all the fatigue and aches etc. but my energy is finally picking up again today 🥳

while my body forced me to rest against my will, i ended up going down a bit of bullet journal nostalgia rabbit hole. i rewatched some of cheyenne barton’s old bullet journal videos for the first time in years, and those used to be my absolute favourite.

but i think i got so burned by the aesthetification of bullet journalling on youtube that i really couldn’t tolerate more than the absolute bare minimum of decorative flourishes in my journal for the last few years.

i bet it’s because we’re just tipping into the beginning of autumn here that’s got me in a journally, collagey, paper-art kind of mood.

so, i actually got the urge to do a little artistic collage spread for my monthly log for the first time in YEARS. and i think because it’s been so long since i did anything purely artistic in my journal, after using it in a very minimalist functional way for ages, i was able to really see it as a fun, artistic activity to play with.

at this point, i feel no obligation to spend a bunch of time drawing or collaging in my journal - it truly was an optional genero thing i did because i had the time (being basically on bed rest, and too brain fogged to do real work) and inclination (revisiting bullet journal videos i used to love got me inspired) for.

and it was fun! i was planning to fill up the whole page, but actually once i started sticking this corner section down, i found i liked it with all the white space, and the title as a kind of moon. a slightly more minimalist take on the full page collages i used to do back in the day.

but i’ll be just as happy returning to my normal setup next month if i don’t feel inspired again.

now that i think about it, my A Year in My Bullet Journal video collection started in September too!

that back-to-school, dark-academia, beginning-of-autumn September magic just can’t be denied i guess.

✦ the channel 🍎 live on sunday

yes, i’m going live on sunday! come hang out as i answer your questions and chat over a cuppa ☕️

✺ Q&A with a creative witch

✦ the almanac

  • EARLY AUTUMN / N. hemisphere
    • 🌰 foraging, bramble, apple, elderberry, conkers
    • 🍎 back to school, fresher’s week, fresh stationary & a new academic year
    • 🍂 leaves begin to turn, temperature cools, sweater weather
  • 🌓 WANING MOON / winding down, completion, releasing

✦ the work:
constellation clarity is open

if you feel constantly overwhelmed trying to balance tasks, projects and routines across all the different areas of your life, and know that you’re not getting (or making) the space for all the rest and restoration that you need, CC might be for you. it’s open now!

multiple students that took the course last time said it was life-changing which honestly makes my heart so full, and makes all the work i put into running it worth it.

we’ve just managed to add some chat/ testimonials from previous students to the sales page, so if you want to hear from them go check it out.

✦ the finds

꩜ reading: New Escapologist magazine, issue 14. more on that when i’ve read more!

okay, that's it for now - hope you'll come hang out on sunday!

take care,

rachael stephen ✦

hello, cinnamon bun ✦ i’m rachael, your friendly neighbourhood Creative Witch. there’s nothing i love more than venturing into The Woods on a creative mission, and coming back to my village (that’s you!) to share the stories, systems and spells i’ve picked up along the way.

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